"Raja Yoga Meditation restores confidence and dignity to live in the light of my original nature and awaken hope in the self."
Raja Yoga Meditation, as taught by The Brahma Kumaris, is a knowledge-based, open-eyed meditation which begins with the understanding of the self as a soul, a point of light located in the centre of the forehead which has innate qualities of peace, happiness, power and love. As a silent form of meditation, the practice of Raja Yoga is easy to incorporate into actions throughout the day. Whilst the hands are busy, the mind can be focused on a point of stillness within, making it possible to rise above daily challenges, and maintain inner calm, equilibrium and joy.
The Meditation Process
The Meditation Process
“Human beings are so much more than we realise. We spend most of our time in thoughts about our basic survival needs and instincts. Yet, we are eternal beings of light consciousness. In meditation, we give ourselves the chance to connect with that amazing self, and to develop a relationship with the Divine. At that moment, all thoughts of the mundane disappear and we experience the peace, love and truth of our original nature. Our thoughts become slower and deeper. As they slow down, the space between thoughts expands, the experience takes over, and this enriches our mind. Then, as our awareness returns to our worldly concerns, we operate with more clarity and renewed energy.”