Sister Jayanti is the author of several books on Raja Yoga Meditation and spirituality in daily life. She also has an extensive archive of meditation commentaries which are used and loved universally.
- Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
Become aware of the wise self within. Nurture this awareness until it grows into a tree of strength that will provide fruit not only for you, but will help to inspire all those you come into contact with every day.
- Dreams and Reality
This book looks at five different kinds of dreams and the impact they have on our perceived reality and experience. Sister Jayanti offers a helpful model to unravel the messages behind our dreams and ways we can apply this understanding to change our lives.
- Everyone Can Meditate
Nine Lessons to begin your meditation practice. Recommended for those who are beginning to discover the beauty and strength of their inner world.
- God’s Healing Power
Become aware of the wise self within. Nurture this awareness until it grows into a tree of strength that will provide fruit not only for you, but will help to inspire all those you come into contact with every day.
- Journey into Inner Space
This book is a treasure chest of wisdom that draws on science, great literature, and spiritual understanding to reveal the journey of the soul. It has artwork that "comes alive" using a technology called Augmented Reality. Animations of the images, accompanied by a spoken commentary, convey the essence of each chapter.
- Practical Meditation
Meditation stabilises the mind, releases tension, reduces stress, enhances well-being, and helps in healing and recovery. By devoting just a few minutes a day to Sister Jayanti’s techniques, your life can be improved immeasurably.
- Spirituality In Daily Life
In this jam-packed pocket book Sister Jayanti delves into her decades of experience with The Brahma Kumaris international meditation group to share some very helpful practices in applying these ideas in our daily lives.
- The Art of Thinking
The Art of Thinking reveals the power of thought. It explains the domino effect of our thoughts, influencing our feelings and actions.
- Why Women Believe in God
Why Women Believe In God takes the form of a discussion. Liz Hodgkinson, a well known journalist and author of many controversial books, asks the questions, and Sister Jayanti, who has dedicated her life to spirituality, provides the answers.
- Creating Self Esteem (CD/MP3)
Without self-esteem we lack inner strength and lose control over our thoughts, words and actions, ending up in a state of confusion, guilt and despair. This talk aims to help reverse this process, so we can develop a true sense of the self and build self respect and self esteem.
- Cycle of Change (CD/MP3)
With the awareness of the eternal self our concept of time changes from linear to cyclical. Sister Jayanti explains our connection with the world of matter and how change is cyclic. Through our own positive transformation we can help bring about the restoration of the original state of the world.
- Inner Light (CD/MP3)
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, you will appreciate the depth and clarity of these short guided meditations. Allow yourself to be led inwards to discover the truths of the spirit and experience the inner qualities of peace, harmony and lightness. Themes include being free from fear and the destination of the soul.Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, you will appreciate the depth and clarity of these short guided meditations. Allow yourself to be led inwards to discover the truths of the spirit and experience the inner qualities of peace, harmony and lightness. Themes include being free from fear and the destination of the soul.
- just-a-minute (CD)
just-a-minute is all it takes to bring ourselves back to our natural state of inner peace and well-being. One minute meditations for when we think we're too busy to meditate. With meditations for children too.
- Knowing Myself (CD/MP3)
Explore the unknown territory of your own self with the help of these meditation commentaries. Progressing from an awareness of the inner self, and the consciousness of the soul, to the final harnessing of your own natural and original qualities of peace, love and happiness.
- Knowing God (CD/MP3)
Use these guided meditations as a helping hand to bring you closer to God. The commentaries gently unveil the awareness of the link of love that can be forged between the self and God.
- Maha Shiv Ratri (DVD)
This DVD holds messages from Dadi Janki, Sister Jayanti and BK Sudesh, addressing the meaning of the much celebrated festival of Shiv Ratri.
- Practical Guidelines (CD/MP3)
Half lecture, half commentary: This CD explores the concept of the self and the Supreme Being and aids in understanding the beauty of Raja Yoga Meditation and how spiritual awareness is needed to link the self and God.
- Progressive Meditations (CD/MP3)
Begin with short, simple commentaries to help the mind focus. Then progress to longer commentaries that offer a deeper and richer experience of meditation.
- Relaxing the Mind (CD/MP3)
Short guided meditations and beautiful, calming music will help you come closer to understanding the inner self. Look inwards and discover the inner being and look onwards to the experience of God’s love that heals and frees the spirit from burden.
- Teach Yourself to Meditate (CD/MP3)
Dive deep into the essence of Raja Yoga Meditation to explore two concepts - the soul, the point of energy and the Supreme Soul, whose spiritual qualities can guide and empower you.
- The Family of Humanity (CD/MP3)
In order to live in harmony as a human family, we need to appreciate the value and significance of every nation, religion and culture within that family. At the same time, we also need to recognise the common foundation underlying these external differences.
- The Healing Mind (CD/MP3)
Through the power of the mind, we can initiate a remarkable healing process: not in the sense of a miracle cure, but rather a change of attitude through which we become not the victims of matter, but the masters of matter.
- The Power of Values (CD/MP3)
The lectures on this CD explain the process by which our inner qualities can be developed into virtues and eventually powers that reach to every corner of the planet. It also identifies and describes the principal powers needed to equip us for modern living.
- The Power of Meditation (2 DVDs)
Experience peace, inner strength and wisdom anytime, anywhere, through yoga of the mind.
- Understanding God (CD/MP3)
How to create a personal connection with the source of peace, power and love. This informative talk describes the form and nature of God, and the method to experience a relationship with the Supreme Being through the simple practice of meditation and clear thinking.
- Understanding Karma (CD/MP3)
This CD features a lecture on the concept of karma (action), an essential ingredient in the practice of Raja Yoga Meditation. It describes the relationship between thinking and behaviour and the means by which, with an understanding of the law of karma, we are able to take responsibility for our own future.
- Understanding Myself (CD/MP3)
Grow strong by taking control of your real self. This informative talk shows how you can develop positive attributes and strengths that will be your personal tools for life. Understand how to empower yourself by taking control of your different roles and responsibilities, both in your personal and working lives.
- Views on Values (DVD)
An Educational Programme recorded in schools that are working with the Living Values Education Programme (LVEP) in India, Kuwait and the UK. October 2000. LVEP is a partnership amongst educators around the world; endorsed by UNESCO.
- Words of Wisdom (2 DVDs)
A collection of eight lectures spoken by Sister Jayanti. Be inspired by these words of wisdom and find practical methods to enhance your experience of inner peace.